GrADS Data Server - top level - OSSE - G5NR - Ganymed - 7km - 0.0625_deg - inst - inst30mn_3d_CO_Nv

GrADS Data Server - info for /OSSE/G5NR/Ganymed/7km/0.0625_deg/inst/inst30mn_3d_CO_Nv : dds  das


3d,30-Minute,Instantaneous,Model-Level,Full Resolution,Carbon Monoxide
Documentation: (none provided)
-180.00000000000°E to 179.93750000000°E
 (5760 points, avg. res. 0.062°)
-90.00000000000°N to 90.00000000000°N
 (2881 points, avg. res. 0.062°)
1.00000000000 to 72.00000000000
 (72 points, avg. res. 1.0)
21:30Z15MAY2005 to 21Z16JUN2007
 (36576 points, avg. res. 0.021 days)
(total of 1)
carbon monoxide (all sources)

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complete metadata listing:

Global attributes:

title: "3d,30-Minute,Instantaneous,Model-Level,Full Resolution,Carbon Monoxide"
Conventions: "COARDS"
dataType: "Grid"
history: "Tue Jul 16 22:06:53 UTC 2024 : imported by GrADS Data Server 2.0"
extra_das_attribute: "This is an example of metadata added using a supplementary DAS file. See testdata/extra.das for the source."


co: Grid
units: "mol mol-1"
_FillValue: 1.0E15
missing_value: 1.0E15
long_name: "carbon monoxide (all sources) "
co: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..36575][lev = 0..71][lat = 0..2880][lon = 0..5759]
units: "mol mol-1"
_FillValue: 1.0E15
missing_value: 1.0E15
long_name: "carbon monoxide (all sources) "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..36575]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "36576"
grads_min: "21:30z15may2005"
grads_step: "30mn"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "21:30z15may2005"
maximum: "21z16jun2007"
resolution: 0.020833334
lev: Array of 64 bit Reals [lev = 0..71]
grads_dim: "z"
grads_mapping: "levels"
units: "millibar"
long_name: "altitude"
minimum: 1.00000000000
maximum: 72.00000000000
resolution: 1.0
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..2880]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "2881"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: -90.00000000000
maximum: 90.00000000000
resolution: 0.0625
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..5759]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "5760"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: -180.00000000000
maximum: 179.93750000000
resolution: 0.0625
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..36575]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "36576"
grads_min: "21:30z15may2005"
grads_step: "30mn"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "21:30z15may2005"
maximum: "21z16jun2007"
resolution: 0.020833334
lev: Array of 64 bit Reals [lev = 0..71]
grads_dim: "z"
grads_mapping: "levels"
units: "millibar"
long_name: "altitude"
minimum: 1.00000000000
maximum: 72.00000000000
resolution: 1.0
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..2880]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "2881"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: -90.00000000000
maximum: 90.00000000000
resolution: 0.0625
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..5759]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "5760"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: -180.00000000000
maximum: 179.93750000000
resolution: 0.0625

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GrADS Data Server 2.0 (help using this server) . This page last updated 10Z 16 Jul 2024.